Using Moss Melt
Always Read and Follow Product Label Before Use
Application Rate
Mix at a ratio of 1 part Moss Melt into 50 parts of water (2%) spray solution (2.56 ounces / gallon of water).
Spray Volume
Moss Melt is a contact herbicide, moss must be thoroughly coated with spray solution to ensure good coverage and penetration, thorough coverage of moss or algae is necessary. The volume required per 1000 sq. ft. will depend on density of moss. At least 3.5-4 gals per 1000 sq. ft. is recommended to insure adequate coverage, spraying almost to run off on most surfaces.
Proper Mixing
The key to effective control when using Moss Melt is to ensure that the spray solution combines into a homogeneous emulsion. Thoroughly mix or agitate spray solution before applications, if not properly mixed the concentration in the tank can vary leading to inconsistent results.
- Back Pack & Tank Sprayers : Fill 1/2 of sprayer with water then add in Moss Melt, stir spray solution or use a jet stream to ensure good mixing. For tank sprayers agitation is recommended.
- Hose End Metered Sprayer: Set to 2% concentration, proper mixing will occur when spraying.
- Stability: Once Moss Melt is in an emulsion it is stable, and won’t settle out for many hours. If spray solution is left in sprayer for an extended period of time re-agitate before using
In most applications, an adjuvant is not necessary, the oil and water emulsion wets and penetrates the moss sufficiently. For higher temperature applications Nufilm-P can be added to reduce evaporation. For applications on wet moss a silicone surfactant can help.
Application Conditions
- Temperature: It takes 1/2—1 hour for Moss Melt to dissolve the moss’s protective coating It performs best at temperatures between 40 – 75 degrees. Apply during the cooler time of the day for best results to reduce rapid evaporation. Do not apply to frost covered moss.
- Rain: Moss Melt is rainfast with in 1 hour, light rain or drizzle shortly after applications should not effect the performance. Applications during light rain will require 4 gallons of spray solution per 1000 sq. ft.
- Water Logged Moss: When treating water saturated moss increase the spray solution per 1000 sq. ft. to ensure the correct dose reaches the interior surfaces of the moss.
Spray Nozzle Selection
When using a backpack or boom sprayer, use a high volume spray nozzle, such as 8008VS, 8010 or 8015. Using the correct nozzle tip will help with getting the proper dose per 1000 sq. ft. and allow faster more effective applications.
Hose End Sprayer Selection
There are not a lot of accurate hose end sprayers for properly metering out a 2% spray solution. Consider using an injector system such as Dosatron DosMatic or Anderson brands.